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School Hours

Clearview Elementary school hours are 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. for kindergarten through sixth grade. All students are expected to be in their seats and ready to learn by 7:45 a.m. Students who ride the bus must enter the school immediately upon arrival. Students who walk or are driven to school should not arrive prior to 7:25 a.m. All students must leave the school immediately after the end of the school day.

  • We have added two additional drop-off spaces in the front parking lot. We have done this to allow for more vehicles to pull up and drop off students.

    This change will make for a faster process and prevent traffic back-ups.

    For this to be successful we need you to do the following things:

    • Pull into any of the numbered spots (1-6) along the front side sidewalk.
    • Please have your student ready to exit the vehicle on the right hand side.
    • Parents should not assist students out of vehicles. This causes back-ups. If you are needing to assist your student, please park in any of the visitor parking spots at the front of the building.
    • Please do not drive around other vehicles as they are stopped.
    • Students should walk on the sidewalk to the front doors.

    If students are dropped off after 7:45 a.m., they are considered tardy and will need to be signed in at the office by a parent.

    Following these procedures will ensure a quick and efficient drop off for all students. These changes will not affect students being dropped off by the buses in the morning.

    We appreciate your cooperation. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    • If you or a family member is picking up a student after school, you will be receiving a yellow card that has your student's name on it (if you have not received this you will be getting one soon).
    • Please keep this card in your vehicle as a Clearview staff member will be collecting these at the end of the day when you arrive in the car line. The staff member will then take the card and use it to call out the name of your student(s) for them to be lined up in the gym.
    • Staff will escort the students out to vehicles. Students will carry the card with them and return it to the person picking them up. The person picking up should continue to keep the card so that these can be collected each day.
    • Our goal with this is to make for a quicker and more efficient pick up time. This will also allow other staff to help in the event of Dr. B's absence.
    • Please pass this message along to others responsible for picking up your students that may not be on our mailing list. If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you for your help.

    Enter the parking lot at the entrance furthest from the school. Proceed into the back parking lot. Pull up behind the cars already parked creating three lines of cars. When the buses are dismissed the first row of cars will pull into the drive following the buses. The second row will follow the first. At that point, we will have the entire first line of cars pull forward. Then the second and third line of cars will move forward, respectfully.

    Once the first line reaches the end of the grass area, please start the second and third lines respectfully. Cars that come after those lines are filled can start the first and second lines again respectfully. Again, please be courteous to others picking up and wait your turn. Generally, all cars are loaded between 2:50-3 p.m.